Hey guys,
Welcome back to my 2023 season thread for AK Morphs. I know last year I was all over the place because of the move and whatnot, but I’m feeling pretty confident this year in my animals. To see actual clutch photos please click here. It will take you to the MorphMarket forums post that will cover my entire 2023 season.
This is my third ever season/year of breeding Ball Pythons and I’ve got some weird combos going on. I of course will post about pairings and if any issues arise. As always I am here to share the good, the bad, and the downright confusing when it comes to breeding.
I will not be posting any hatchlings up for sale this season (and any season moving forward) until they are 100 grams in size. I want them to have some good weight, and be ready to ship out if someone purchases the snake. You’ll be able to find all of my available animals here.
The list below will be updated as each female lays so you can follow along on which clutch was laid. I had 10 girls reabsorb last year for the 2022 season, so hopefully they will go this year (since I’m not moving ha-ha). This will be my third year owning ball pythons, and my third year as a breeder!
So without further ado here is my pairing list for the 2023 season:
Mojave Twister x HRA Cinnamon Fire
Mojave Twister x Black Head YB RGRG (Red Gene Ringer Gene)
Mojave Twister x Dinker
Mojave Twister x DG Pinstripe Firefly
Killer Batman x Super Furrow Butter
Killer Batman x Furrow 66% het Clown (genetic testing pending)
Killer Batman x Dinker
Clown/Killer Batman x Dinker
Black Head Pastel YB RGRG x Mojave Ghost
GHI Sapphire Firefly x Pastel Mojave Phantom
Spotnose Cinnamon Pastel Clown x Leopard Pinstripe Fire het Clown
Spotnose Cinnamon Pastel Clown x Pinstripe het Clown
Spotnose Cinnamon Pastel Clown x Lesser het Clown
Spotnose Cinnamon Pastel Clown x Super Pastel Leopard
Leopard Firefly TSK x Mojave het TSK
Leo Enchi YB DH Gstripe Clown 50% pied x Fire Twister
Leo Enchi YB DH Gstripe Clown 50% pied x Pastel Clown
Enchi Lesser V/F het Black Axanthic x Black Axanthic
Twister het Lavender Albino x Pastel Pied
Twister het Lavender Albino x Lavender Albino 66% het pied
Twister het Lavender Albino x Banana Spinnerblast
Twister het Lavender Albino x Pastel YB Pied (may not go - girl is not a good eater)
Spotnose Nyala het Clown pos Sugar x Banana het Clown
Spotnose Nyala het Clown pos Sugar x Pastel het Clown
Spotnose Nyala het Clown pos Sugar x Butter het Clown
Banana het pied x Vanilla Scream
Banana het pied x Enchi
Mojave Nyala Pied x OD Pinstripe
Mojave Nyala Pied x Spinnerblast
Mojave Nyala Pied x Twister
Pastel Trick Puzzle het Hypo x Super Twister
Pastel Trick Puzzle het Hypo x Pastel Ivory pos het Puzzle
Pastel Trick Puzzle het Hypo x Butter Pewter het Puzzle
Pastel Trick Puzzle het Hypo x het Puzzle
Striker x Pastel Red Axanthic
Striker x VPI Pinstripe
Striker x Pastel Clown
Banana Mojave Pinstripe het Monsoon x Pastel het Monsoon
Banana Mojave Pinstripe het Monsoon x GHI Trick
Hopefully the odd gods will be in my favor this year!
Until next time,